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Master Trader – Advanced Credit Spread

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $40.00.


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Master Trader – Advanced Credit Spread


Trading Credit Spreads is one of the best trading strategies for growing a small account into a big one and to generate weekly and monthly income.

The Advance Credit Spread Course is the perfect addition to the Master Trader Weekly Options Trader Letter.


✔ Foundation of Options Trading and Terminology
You will learn the foundation of options trading, an introduction to option terminology and theory, the key factors of options pricing, and how option sellers have an edge in selling options because of time decay, particularly if timed with a chart pattern and high volatility.

✔ Simple Bull Put Credit Spreads for Income
You will learn how to regularly sell Bull Put Credit Spreads for weekly and monthly income using bullish turning points with Master Trader Strategies chart analysis — particularly with high implied volatility — and how to manage the trades for profit, even if the stock goes against you.

✔ Approach to Profiting from Selling Simple Credit Spreads With Charts
​You will learn the Master Trader opportunities in trading options for buyers and sellers, gain an understanding of the high-probability approach to selling credit spreads, and understand the patterns and high-probability approach on which to generate monthly income on these short-term reversal patterns.

✔ Simple Bear Call Credit Spreads for Income
You will learn how to regularly sell Bear Call Credit Spreads for weekly and monthly income using bearish turning points with Master Trader Strategies chart analysis — particularly with high implied volatility — and how to manage the trades for profit, even if the stock goes against you.

✔ Review of Seminar Concepts, Quiz Demonstrating Ease of Strategy, and Next Steps to Profitability.
Y​​​​ou will receive a summary of key​​​​ course concepts for reinforcement, walk through a case example on a stock as a quiz to demonstrate how easy it is to sell credit spreads around turning points to generate ongoing incom e, and gain insights on further money management, need for trading plan, and next steps to jump start your future to generate income from the concepts learned in the seminar.


Dan Gibby Options Specialist


Trading options has been Dan’s passion for more than 25 years’ in equity and options trading, with expertise in technical analysis, using options to hedge and speculate, and portfolio/asset management using charts and volatility.

The Advance Credit Spread Course is the perfect addition to the Master Trader Weekly Options Trader Letter.

In the Advanced Options Spread Course, you will learn the How, When and Why to trading Credit Spreads. 

Once you have signed up for the course, you will have instant Lifetime Access to the course and Lifetime Live Monthly Coaching.

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