
JTrader 4 Course BIG CAPS Bundle – (A+ Setups Big Cap Options, Live Trading Big Caps, Risk Management, Advanced Course)

Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $75.00.



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JTrader 4 Course BIG CAPS Bundle


About JTrader

Jtrader is an online trading education platform where you can find many online courses about trading, from the fundamentals to advanced concepts of trading. The founder of Jtrader has been professionally trading for over 20 years, which has helped him experience many trading situations and challenged his flexibility. Therefore, what you learn from the Jtrader courses is extracted from his own experience combined with the vast knowledge about the trading market. The adaptability of methods to real trading is one of the focal points of Jtrader’s educational programs.


A+ Setups Big Caps Options


A+ Setups Big Caps Options by Jtrader walks you through the trading strategies that have been applied to real trading. Big Caps Options, also known as Large Caps, indicate choosing stocks that have a market capitalization value of more than $10 billion. Therefore, the stability when trading big caps is one of the advantages. Moreover, you can easily look up the information about the company of the stock you buy or sell, because it is a big firm. The transparency is guaranteed, which adds to the reasons why you should invest in big caps options. When taking the course of A+ Setups by Jtrader, you will gain access to useful references to gain the stability of trading profits.


Tape Reading Big Caps


Jtrader’s Tape Reading Big Caps is a pre-recorded live tape reading on big caps webinar that will teach you how to get the competitive advantage that all traders strive for. One of the most critical advantages a day trader may have is the ability to read tape.

Tape reading is the skill of seeing and magnifying pure and magnified price activity in real time using the Level II box as a reference. You may use the recording to learn about the psychology of the players as well as supply and demand imbalances. Reading the tape is a leading indication, as opposed to charts and indicators, which are based on historical data. As an intraday trader, tape reading is a critical ability to learn because it helps you to observe in real time where there is buying and selling activity taking place at the level you are trading. This is also a very essential skill since it will increase your efficiency, your risk/reward ratio, and it will help you to catch greater moves while taking on the least amount of risk as is reasonably feasible.


Risk Management


Risk Management is a webinar pre-recorded to teach you effective risk management strategies and how to expand your account.

Risk management in the financial sector is a process in which investment decisions are identified, analyzed and accepted or mitigated by uncertainty. In essence, risk management is carried out when an investor or fund manager evaluates and attempts to quantify losses potential, such as moral hazard, in an investment and then takes necessary measures (or inaction) to address the investment objectives and the risk tolerance of the fund. Risk from return is intertwined. All investments carry a certain degree of risk regarded near to zero for an American T-bill or extremely high for something like emerging-market stocks or real estates in highly inflationary economies. Risk is both absolute and relative measurable. A sound grasp of the risk in its many manifestations may assist investors better comprehend investing techniques’ potential, trade offs, and costs. Jtrader’s 1 on 1 Risk Management  will assist you to define the optimal approach.


Advanced Course 


Everyone comes into the sector of trading with a few forms of expectation. Some people see trading as a shortcut to riches at the same time as others cynically push aside it as a scam. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, one matters certain; you do not absolutely understand what to anticipate till you begin your journey. Trading success isn’t always black and white. There are ranges to the game. As a trader you want to discover ways to recognize your progress and respect where you’re on your journey. Understanding the bigger picture promotes endurance and persistence. Undergoing a right education program will have you to recognize the needed element for a successful trading and courses such as JTrader’s trading course called Advanced Trading Course will assist you tremendously. Advanced Trading Course walks you through the steps of a way to pick out stocks, which gives insights into what the pre-market plan needs to look like and its importance. No more stucking in mediocrity with boring ineffective trading plans and a mindset of a losing trader when you are signed up for the training from Jtrader.



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