
JTrader – Forecast, Filings and News

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Vastly improve your trading results with Forecast, Filings, & News webinar of Jtrader


Forecast, Filings & News is 1 on 1 pre-recorded webinar which Jtrader created with the same material of the live webinar. This webinar is fully addressed to each subject and teaches you to analyze your forecast, read filings, and trade the news.

Forecasting is a method that uses previous data as an input to anticipate the direction of the future trends in an educated manner. The first section of the webinar Forecast, Filings & News allows you to construct a forecast. Businesses use forecasting to assess how their budgets or projected expenditures plan can be allocated in the next period. This is generally based on the expected demand for the provided products and services. Investors use forecasts to assess if corporate events, such as sales projections, raise or reduce share prices. The forecast also provides an essential benchmark for enterprises that require a long-term operational view.

The SEC filings were formed by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law. The act was designed to contribute to the restoration of investor trust after the 1929 stock market disaster. The SEC is an independent government body that protects investors, maintains a fair and orderly market and facilitates the creation of capital. The SEC carefully examines and enhances compliance with the information it receives. Investors analyze these documents to create a perspective of the performance and operations of a firm. Understanding how to interpret SEC documents can help investors with due diligence. In this webinar Forecast, Filings & News of Jtrader, you will learn more about these filings in detail.

The stock markets show a steady rising tendency over a lengthy period of time. However, occasional backlashes such as a 50 percent reduction in the number of major markets during the 2008-09 global economic crisis are testing any investor’s strength. The sleekest investors can generate money regardless of what happens worldwide. News trading should be an essential part of your investment plan. While a trader can trade the news a few times in a meeting, a long-term investor can only do so rarely. Regardless of your investment horizon, learning to trade news is a vital skill for the clever management of your portfolio and long-term success, as illustrated in the Jtrader’s Forecast, Filings, & News webinar.



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