
Trade Simple FX – Advanced Trading Course

Original price was: $300.00.Current price is: $50.00.


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Trade Simple FX – Advanced Trading Course



Our members get real time access to all of our market commentary, which includes our trade setups, fundamental and technical rundowns and any other breaking news events, all of which come with clear annotations and trade descriptions.

As well as the above, our members will also receive daily educational videos, market recaps and trade summaries, produced by one of our team members which will be published directly in our Members Group. Effectively a daily summary of what we have been looking at that trading day.

We also have keen team members who are contactable around the clock, so if you have any trading queries, or if you require any support, we are here to help. For example; tailored trading plans, trading journals, take profit strategies to suit different account balances, etc.



We specialise in zonal and breakout trading, using key price action and fundamental drivers. Specifically, supply & demand, support & resistance and key zones. Should you decide to become one of our members, you’ll see this is the strategy we implement on a daily basis.

We use effective take profit and entry strategies to maximise probability and profit potential, whilst aiming to minimise risk and drawdown. We cover all time-zones and sessions as we have 100’s of international clients from all across the globe.



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